Too tired, getting things ready for school again in the fall and I have to finish my craft room, find housing for me and my babies, pack up all their stuff and mine. . . . Yeah, no wonder the creative juices aren't flowing!
I miss my paper crafts!
This is Sir Chauncey and he is as adorable as he looks. He is my 11 year old Maltese. He's a happy lil fellar and bounces around like Tigger. He's also an escape artist - so I've had a special id tag made with his name, address and phone number on it. He amazes me at the small holes he finds to squeeze through. He is now 11 years old and has lost his hearing, so we've begun to teach him sign language (our own version) and he is such a quick learner, quicker than me. . . I still find myself calling for him, and then realize, ahhh yes, he can't hear me. . . LOL!
I am so glad I am taking them with me for my 2nd round of schooling. Even though they had great care last year I missed them way too much to do it again.
Well there they are. . . my little family and I love them, they are such a blessing to me!